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Photos of my Family

Now I will take you through a collage of my family photos

In Elizabeth Edwards “Photographs as Objects of Memory” article, she argues that “Photographs are perhaps the most ubiquitous and insistent focus of the nineteenth- and twentieth-century memory.” (331). Back in the day photographs were something people held onto to show their memories of the past in the present. 

The Beginning

This is where it all started, with Mary and Joseph. 


Mary and Joseph had 8 children. The children's names are Rose, Viola, Wally, Elmer, Clayton, Ivan, Lorne, and Clarence.

Another photo of the bunch

Here is Mary (in the middle), with her 8 children on November 1958.

And then there was more...

Shown above is Mary, Joseph, thier children, and some of their grandchildren. Included in this photo is Francis, my grandma (middle row, left, on her mother Viola).

And grew again...

Another photo of Mary and some grandchildren.

Women of the Family

Shown above is Mary posing in September in 1958.

Home to Grow In

Trinity Street

Next Home to Grow In

508 Albert Street

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Perth Regiment Comes Home

My great-great uncle’s in the Perth Regiment Homecoming 

Perth Regiment Comes Home

My great-great uncle’s in the Perth Regiment Homecoming 

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Servicing Canada

Great Uncle

Regal Stance

My great-great uncle Lorne Baulk (Navy) WW2, and my great-great uncle Wally Baulk (Air Force) WW2 

My great-great uncle Wally who was in the Air Force for WW2

My great-great uncle Elmer who was in the Army in WW2

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Detroit gangster visiting his parents in Stratford, sitting with Viola and Rose on a car running board

A Detroit Gangster in the Family

This is my great-great-great uncle from Detroit who work for gangsters. The rumor is he was affiliated and friends with El Capone

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Viola goes by 'Vi' and is my great grandmother

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Vi and Harry

Vi and Harry

A photo of the couple on their wedding day

The couple later in life

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Delivery Run

Fran doing a milk delivery 

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After World War 2

Lorne after WW2

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My great grandfather working on a farm around 1938

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Horseback Riding


On a horseback ride in Wasaga beach on summer holidays in the 1940s, My grandma’s (Fran) stepfather Harry Hynd, her uncle Scotty (uncle Lorne’s wife) & Fran  

Vi as a young adult

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Francis with Family

Francis with Family

Fran (my grandma) with her mother and uncle

Fran posing with her grandmother

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Siblings out for a Hunt:


Fran and Dave out for a hunt. Since there was no coloured photos, Fran decided to colour them herself 

Fran on the front lawn in the sun as a child

Now that you have heard my ‘haunting’ family’s past along with some of the photos still around, it is easy to say that photographs are objects of memory for my family.  

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